Sunday, May 30, 2010

Bowled Over !! Damn eXams over!!

This is 28 th may 2010 ,the IIIrd year ,VIth semester and 30th exam of my engg. & guys it seems i have successfully crossed them all and now now again searching for the next.... next.. what next ? I just dont know what would be the next thing that this lazy creature (thats me yar) gonna attempt..
But one thing for sure is that I have faced so many ups and downs in my clg life in this particular year that it sometimes makes me proud that its me that i have done all these things and again the very next moment i think ohh crap !!! did i've done all these things....
>Winning competetions
>fighting with frns
>actual assessment of me in ma frns thought
>so called misunderstanding b/w me n ma best frn PJ
What the hell... guys create chirps and girls dont even use their damn brains for even once before going for the conclusions and decesions.
It is pinful.... Trust me IT IS HURTING