Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Fight that took us far...

Human coexisting with computer is a hallucination or a nightmare for some people. For most of us it is a science fiction. Computerand human can live in tranquility. They can be happy if computermaintain peace within us, and on the other hand the computers can betray human the way human does to each other.
In passage I the author used a dramatic language to intensify the anticipation of human and computer joining together to create a perfect society. Richard Brautigan would like to think that human and computer can live together in harmony if the computers are in control. It shows that he trusts computer more than human being. To peruse his optimistic perception he used repetition. This is demonstrated when he used, "I like to think" through out the entire poem. It helps the reader to stay in track of his main idea, and also it shows strength in his delusion. Richard Brautigan also used imagery to give us an idea about his vision. In stanza one he said, " Where mammals and computers live together in mutually programming harmony like pure water touching clear sky." This style was created to form an attractive portrait in our mind. The author used an elegant way to persuade the readers. He understands it is very hard to accomplish a society with human and computer, just like pure water touching sky however he compared the exquisiteness of both vision. His poem was very influential to the readers to consider his idea of human andcomputer live in harmony.

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