Thursday, January 27, 2011

Tommorow ll be a better DAY..!!

My journey begins with a chosen quote from Albert Einstein "Learn from yesterday, live for today, and hope for tomorrow." When I first began taking college classes I remember sitting in class dreaming of what I was going to be when I finally 'grew up'. I would picture myself in an ornate room with a patient on a chaise with myself sitting adjacent in a velvet armchair, pen in hand ready to diagnose. I would picture myself in a paint-splattered menswear shirt with an empty canvas and tubes full of color waiting to be stroked into a masterpiece. With these daydreams also came the trickle of water that eventually worked it's way up to my ears. I was drowning. After a few semesters I learned what worked best to keep myself afloat. Now I'm standing on my own two feet, afloat in my own rite. I now have new dreams, dreams of collaborating with colleagues in board rooms with white boards on easels, a projections screen and a pointer going into detail about our next campaign. I'm an Art Director at a great advertising firm. Creating some of the most well loved and some of the most memorable campaigns of my generation. Of course these are merely my hopes for tomorrow. I finally have my sights set on the shore. With my back to the horizon I can finally dive in to my future.To create unique ideas, to give that 'umph' to an idea, to do so with passion and poise is what I plan to bring to the University of Colorado's campus.

In terms of what I plan to bring to the Boulder area, I would like to talk about the local economy. I think that it is very important to begin the transition into using locally grown foods and goods rather than having them shipped in from a third (or fourth, or fifth) party. I would like to see Boulder become a locally operated city and to use it's own resources. Using my knowledge I will undoubtedly learn from my advertising courses, I would like to see more farmer's markets better advertised so that they can expand and grow along with the community.

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