Thursday, January 27, 2011



This is you. Damp in rain. Wanting it all to pause but not stop, feeling the tiny drops seeping down.

You've never thought about anyone-your family, your friends, your world...........your life - and all you can do now is to think. You’ve never been into thinking and it seems a strange but the only habit u can have now.....'coz u're numb.................

You can't 've your wishes done now, can't lift your hand, and can't stop it from moving when it does.

This is you. Damp in rain. Wanting someone to wake and make this four wheeled creature get back its life..............

your whole life-you've seen people who've reasons to live and you've been searching for your own reasons-your whole life- never living ;and when life reveals all its reasons-you WANT life; though u've always had those reasons.

All u see now is your life seeping like this rain-still and slow...............

u've always wanted to be everything-best in all worlds .all u've never been is a good daughter, a good friend

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