Sunday, March 6, 2011


Apple's long-awaited 3G iPhone with fast web surfing and built-in GPS. Is it better than the original, or has Apple ruined the iPhone concept?
Prior to the iPhone 3G's public debut, speculation was rife over what it would offer. When it appeared, we realised that Apple was taking very few risks with its second foray into mobile phones.
It comes in the same 8GB and 16GB configurations as the previous 2G model and has the same two megapixel camera.
The real difference is the inclusion of 3G, with both standard UMTS and HSDPA data services supported, the latter delivering a significant improvement in download speeds for web surfing.
 But still lot more reaquired by us...

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Ma DReam Gal!!!

You are my perfect Valentine
An awesome fact to have you mine
Such love and pride you show to me
As great as one could ever be
I realize how you make me feel
For all you are just makes it real
You are the one that I wished for
My life through you can only soar
Your love surpasses all that’s fine
My thoughts of you are all divine
You are the poet of many dreams
The brilliant light of magic beams
A rose within my heart you are
My dearest, sweetest, bravest star
Your uniform brings such a rush
There is no doubt, I have a crush
Your heart, it's filled with loving care
Which willingly you proudly share
My Sweet GI, my thoughts of you
So grateful that you are so true
God be with you while you’re away
And bring you home safely, I pray

 It seem that i am still in search of you....
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The Wanderlust has lured me to the seven lonely seas,
Has dumped me on the tailing-piles of dearth;
The Wanderlust has haled me from the morris chairs of ease,
Has hurled me to the ends of all the earth.
How bitterly I've cursed it, oh, the Painted Desert knows,
The wraithlike heights that hug the pallid plain,
The all-but-fluid silence, -- yet the longing grows and grows,
And I've got to glut the Wanderlust again.

Soldier, sailor, in what a plight I've been!
Tinker, tailor, oh what a sight I've seen!
And I'm hitting the trail in the morning, boys,
And you won't see my heels for dust;
For it's "all day" with you
When you answer the cue
Of the Wan-der-lust.

The Wanderlust has got me . . . by the belly-aching fire,
By the fever and the freezing and the pain;
By the darkness that just drowns you, by the wail of home desire,
I've tried to break the spell of it -- in vain.
Life might have been a feast for me, now there are only crumbs;
In rags and tatters, beggar-wise I sit;
Yet there's no rest or peace for me, imperious it drums,
The Wanderlust, and I must follow it.

Highway, by-way, many a mile I've done;
Rare way, fair way, many a height I've won;
But I'm pulling my freight in the morning, boys,
And it's over the hills or bust;
For there's never a cure
When you list to the lure
Of the Wan-der-lust.

The Wanderlust has taught me . . . it has whispered to my heart
Things all you stay-at-homes will never know.
The white man and the savage are but three short days apart,
Three days of cursing, crawling, doubt and woe.
Then it's down to chewing muclucs, to the water you can eat,
To fish you bolt with nose held in your hand.
When you get right down to cases, it's King's Grub that rules the races,
And the Wanderlust will help you understand.

Haunting, taunting, that is the spell of it;
Mocking, baulking, that is the hell of it;
But I'll shoulder my pack in the morning, boys,
And I'm going because I must;
For it's so-long to all
When you answer the call
Of the Wan-der-lust.

The Wanderlust has blest me . . . in a ragged blanket curled,
I've watched the gulf of Heaven foam with stars;
I've walked with eyes wide open to the wonder of the world,
I've seen God's flood of glory burst its bars.
I've seen the gold a-blinding in the riffles of the sky,
Till I fancied me a bloated plutocrat;
But I'm freedom's happy bond-slave, and I will be till I die,
And I've got to thank the Wanderlust for that.

Wild heart, child heart, all of the world your home.
Glad heart, mad heart, what can you do but roam?
Oh, I'll beat it once more in the morning, boys,
With a pinch of tea and a crust;
For you cannot deny
When you hark to the cry
Of the Wan-der-lust.

The Wanderlust will claim me at the finish for its own.
I'll turn my back on men and face the Pole.
Beyond the Arctic outposts I will venture all alone;
Some Never-never Land will be my goal.
Thank God! there's none will miss me, for I've been a bird of flight;
And in my moccasins I'll take my call;
For the Wanderlust has ruled me,
And the Wanderlust has schooled me,
And I'm ready for the darkest trail of all.

Grim land, dim land, oh, how the vastness calls!
Far land, star land, oh, how the stillness falls!
For you never can tell if it's heaven or hell,
And I'm taking the trail on trust;
But I haven't a doubt
That my soul will leap out
On its Wan-der-lust.
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ॐ श्रि अमितभ बच्चन,

ॐ श्रि अमितभ बच्चन,
नमस्ते, प्रनाम,
24 Days to PAA.
I still watch the promo where you say ‘ PAA ‘. It’s something that still touches my heart. The extent to which you’ve undergone to achieve this look, the character you portray and the vocals is beyond anything ever done in Indian Cinema. It is hardly surprising then, albeit gratifying that the media response to the promo’s is rapturous.
The media / electronic medium is fickle though as can be people and like any industry appraises when all is well and closes the door on you when they see failure. It’s just the way of the world and we have to move with the times. Your optimism for establishing an ombudsman is to be applauded also. You embrace change and progression within society.
The member of the PAA forum has posted a comment which I’d like to share with you. The comment relates to the Guinness Book of World Records. Question, Has anyone as young as you ever played a teenager ?
Quote :
“The Oldest Actor” to play a “Teenager’s Role”?
The point I wish to highlight is the diversity of your ability ( not just acting ) to reach out to all ages. You have an unlimited reservoir of talent.
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The dark side of the moon is where I dwell all alone,
Listening to a deadly requiem for my dreams and sins
As I stab the night with my sharpen sword, dying and
Killing again all the blame I try to hide under my skin.
In my delirium I know much more about my underworld,
Every step into my darkness is a chthonic rite, an insight
Into the unknown, a door open to my cherished demons,
My faithful masters of barren days and abstract nights.
The dark side of the moon buries my mysterious face,
The one my grotesque mirror does show and reveal
As my insane mind eats my inside searching for myself
In my bleeding hands when my face I have to conceal.
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I have seen the future,
a black, hopeless cause.
I am almost sure,
that life is lost,

for it is a frozen wasteland,
covered with death.
Disease ridden people,
crawling for breath.

All terror is struck,
no hero is seen,
everywhere there lurks sin,
tainted souls with no seam.

Everyone is infected with hate,
the skies ruled out by darkness.
Wars fueling the state,
families experience sadness.

The future is grim,
creatures of darkness rule,
all lustful for blood,
they leave their mark, those sorrowful fools.

Covered in frost,
all hope is lost.
No light to be seen,
even the sole wind is mean.

So save the future,
change today,
spread love and respect,
and toss the old ways.
Vote for me now! Blogomania 2011 sponsored by - India’s Leading portal to find apartments for sale and apartments for rent

Reasons to be hpPy...!!!

With the seriousness and stress of day to day life, it is an important thing to allow oneself guilty pleasures. Those things that we may not want to readily admit to everyone, but regardless, they entertain us, whether they are tv shows, movies, or some particular activity. So, in an extension of revelations in the blog tagging post, here are some of my guilty pleasures.

I love listening to the Twilight series and Harry Potter audio books. I also downloaded the soundtrack to Twilight just to hear “Bella’s Lullaby”, and inadvertently got myself addicted to another song on the soundtrack, “Supermassive Black Hole” by Muse.

And for those of you who say you would rather watch the movies, I won’t argue with you. I just look at it this way. Instead of enjoying the story for only two hours and having to wait until next year for the next part, I can enjoy the audiobooks for many hours, get the full story instead of an abbreviated version, imagine my own characters, and continue on to hear the rest of the series.

Now that I have shared some of my guilty pleasures, it is your turn. What are some of the things you enjoy?
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