Sunday, March 6, 2011

Reasons to be hpPy...!!!

With the seriousness and stress of day to day life, it is an important thing to allow oneself guilty pleasures. Those things that we may not want to readily admit to everyone, but regardless, they entertain us, whether they are tv shows, movies, or some particular activity. So, in an extension of revelations in the blog tagging post, here are some of my guilty pleasures.

I love listening to the Twilight series and Harry Potter audio books. I also downloaded the soundtrack to Twilight just to hear “Bella’s Lullaby”, and inadvertently got myself addicted to another song on the soundtrack, “Supermassive Black Hole” by Muse.

And for those of you who say you would rather watch the movies, I won’t argue with you. I just look at it this way. Instead of enjoying the story for only two hours and having to wait until next year for the next part, I can enjoy the audiobooks for many hours, get the full story instead of an abbreviated version, imagine my own characters, and continue on to hear the rest of the series.

Now that I have shared some of my guilty pleasures, it is your turn. What are some of the things you enjoy?
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