Sunday, March 6, 2011


I have seen the future,
a black, hopeless cause.
I am almost sure,
that life is lost,

for it is a frozen wasteland,
covered with death.
Disease ridden people,
crawling for breath.

All terror is struck,
no hero is seen,
everywhere there lurks sin,
tainted souls with no seam.

Everyone is infected with hate,
the skies ruled out by darkness.
Wars fueling the state,
families experience sadness.

The future is grim,
creatures of darkness rule,
all lustful for blood,
they leave their mark, those sorrowful fools.

Covered in frost,
all hope is lost.
No light to be seen,
even the sole wind is mean.

So save the future,
change today,
spread love and respect,
and toss the old ways.
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