Sunday, March 6, 2011

ॐ श्रि अमितभ बच्चन,

ॐ श्रि अमितभ बच्चन,
नमस्ते, प्रनाम,
24 Days to PAA.
I still watch the promo where you say ‘ PAA ‘. It’s something that still touches my heart. The extent to which you’ve undergone to achieve this look, the character you portray and the vocals is beyond anything ever done in Indian Cinema. It is hardly surprising then, albeit gratifying that the media response to the promo’s is rapturous.
The media / electronic medium is fickle though as can be people and like any industry appraises when all is well and closes the door on you when they see failure. It’s just the way of the world and we have to move with the times. Your optimism for establishing an ombudsman is to be applauded also. You embrace change and progression within society.
The member of the PAA forum has posted a comment which I’d like to share with you. The comment relates to the Guinness Book of World Records. Question, Has anyone as young as you ever played a teenager ?
Quote :
“The Oldest Actor” to play a “Teenager’s Role”?
The point I wish to highlight is the diversity of your ability ( not just acting ) to reach out to all ages. You have an unlimited reservoir of talent.
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