Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Next stick to Hockey

Hockey different, It is not so much India’s failure to make it to the Olympics that is alarming but the fact that, barring a few exceptions, most people have lost serious interest in the fate of Indian hockey.

Indians overall just do not care.

“Whoa whoa” you say. “Hold on. Lack of passion for hockey? Speak for yourself. No-one has lost interest in hockey, everybody is behind the national team.” However this kind of “support” for hockey is frequently in the same vein as our support for “art cinema” or “classical literature” —we know it’s good for us and we know we should and we do claim we do but ultimately it’s not something that we would wake up at 3 am in the night for.
Advertisers know this. So do administrators. And yet the charade of “the national game” and the supposed emotional connect continues.

Here’s a test. Ask the man in the street if he cares for hockey. The odds are he will say “Chak De India, of course”. Ask him to name 5 players who played in 2007 Asian Cup (which we won) and you will see him stuttering. Ask him for all the cricketers who played in the 2007 cricket World Cup (where we were eliminated first round) and he will even spell their names backwards for you.

Cricket. The big evil python that has supposedly sucked out all the resources from hockey and other sports. Any discussion about the declining standards of Indian hockey inevitably brings up the issue of cricket and India’s obsession with it to the exclusion of everything else. Ask any hockey player or administrator and cricket somehow is always the villain — all those cricket stars get all the money and the attention and we get nothing.Ask any hockey player or administrator and cricket somehow is always the villain — all those cricket stars get all the money and the attention and we get nothing.

I personally do not see it that way. Cricket, just like hockey, started in the same state of abject penury.Except that hockey has remained that way whereas cricket has taken off, on its own strength. Not through government fiat, not through a 49.5% quota or a 15% subsidy but by its ability to create a market for itself.

Was cricket’s ascension largely a matter of luck? Blaming cricket for hockey is like saying “we failed because you succeeded”. Thats just lame.Again the analogy with NFL and NBA is spot on. Basically market rejected hockey because it did not perform. When cricket did nor perform, the same market asked it questions. It made cricket accountable.Even when market asked questions to hockey it did not respond. And soon market lost interest in hockey.

In fact hockey has got more Government support than any other sport. It milked the government cow for more than two decades.

Bottom line is – the market and the system will reject non-performace. Period.There was of course mismanagement, politics and corruption but even cricket has hardly been free from that. The only thing is that in recent years with cricket continuously being under media scrutiny, administrators have been forced to keep their misdemeanors under some amount of control whereas the powers that be in hockey have had a free run with arbitrary chops and changes, blatant politicking, heavy handedness and of course corruption.

The only long-term solution to India’s problems in hockey has to come from the market. In other words—us. Do we really, deep down, still care for hockey? Are a significant number of us going to tune in to a hockey game and watch it even if there is a Twenty20 IPL brouhaha on? Okay forget that. Are a significant number of us going to tune in to a hockey game even when there is nothing on in any of the channels?

If the honest answer to this is no, well then the spirit of Indian hockey may already have moved on from its body.

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Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Selfless LOVE - YES

Is it falling in love or sliding into addiction? Are they mistaking infatuation for love? There is a great deal of confusion in the terms love and infatuation. Love is different for each and every individual.

But still I believe in true love and I do think that if you look hard enough, you'll find that it really does exist in the real world. What i believe is that what television and movies poject is a wrong image of what 'love' really is. It's not about eyelocks, patch ups and break ups. It's about the extent that you can go to for your partner. Giving up your life for him/her doesn't necessarily mean that you are a 'true lover,' but living on FOR that person is true love.
It isn't just about how happy you can make each other, but how much you both are there for one another when times get tough.
Love isn't just smiley faces, it's the closest thing to reality. It's hard, but if you're in love, those hard times are nothing because the person you love is there for you.
Again, true love is hard to find, but it is there. You just have to look hard and choose wisely. For me Love is just not a Feeling or emotion...Its Passion and Face of Life...Every one falls in love coz Love is in Nature of Humans..Love remains with us, either its our first day on earth or last...Love always remain in heart...

Well, I found people really cheap who become Devdas for lost love, who discover a new dark world of Sadness around them on being lonely and who simply kills themselves...(No Offense to Others)...But I feel if they do things like that, they are proving themselves a DUMBO LOVER...And they never respected their Love...
I think moving forward and living every second of ur life and keeping memories of ur lover will be the strongest thing...

About "Tu Nahin to aur Sahi"...I think its surely not part of Love... they simply are big LOSERS....Lolz...
I also like DDLJ...but such things happens in Movies only!!!
But Ofcourse!!!!
Love exists....
Love is the only thing that keeps us all going...
I strongly believe "Someone is made for any person"... and its in our hands to find him/her.. If we open our heart n search we'll find that person..."Accepting the person who loves you, is the best way to be happy"... It gives a great feeling to know that some one cares for you.. Some one loves you... !! But i would not say that "Love happens only once in life".... Pyaar bohath baar ho saktha hai... Par woh pehla pyaar koi nahi bhoolega... Love is a feeling, which calms your heart, makes you feel secured.. Makes you feel there is some one out there who loves you crazily for what you are...
I would say, True love is hard to find... But once you find, grab it....

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Teachers Leave us ALONE...

"We don’t need no education.
We don’t need no thought control.
No dark sarcasm in the classroom.
Teacher, leave those kids alone.
Hey, teacher, leave those kids alone.
All in all you’re just another brick in the wall
All in all you’re just another brick in the wall"
—-Pink Floyd. “The Wall.“

I still can’t forget her, and I know I never will. Even when I’m old and gray and sitting in a rocking chair she will forever be etched in my memory.
She is no else than my ENGLISH TEACHER, in V std...she used to give a nice and strong contact of her hand approximately daily in my school life.... I can't forget those horrible days of my life my teacher used to say (not only that English Teacher but others also) that "DEEPU beta!! we know your capability and potential , we know of what you actually are capable of..., we know what you deserves ....". Then i just don't understand GOD , why she used to hit me? Did i always deserved a slap of them... why, why me?
I know ,i know every child is surely thinking of these lines only, when he used to be tortured by his english teacher in front of his whole class...
The competition of defeating the guy next to me, just made me bad to almost worse... because in these situations only two conditions arises either the child go for the strike or the strike go for the child... and in my case the strike had almost done its job...
The pattern of the study curriculum must be more practical than the theoretical aspects, we should understand every child is different with different potentials.... (the numbers are sometimes seemed to be dancing in front of my eyes... no!! no!! i am not dyslexic..)
What i am trying to say is that just the child should be given the freedom which he deserves..
We all make our lives far to complicated perhaps because we can or perhaps because we don’t like the simple but elegant answer that is right before us.
As if leaving... am leaving you with nice lines of Pink Floyd's creation :

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Tryst from Past Present & Future

We do not have the possibility to escape being responsible for ourselves. Sad, but true. I personally think that life does not follow any theory of any human being, but that all theories explain some parts and aspects of the world, but never all of it. Future is the unknown potential of our lives, evolving itself constantly. Being that, it is a dynamic form, in contrast of the
past. The central question then would be of what, which sources, the evolution of the future nourishes itself. I think that there are three sources that make the great river of future:
Our present acts, independent and individual, that we decide to make consciously.
Our personal Karma.
Our collective Karma of which we are only a small part.
(I leave aside the planetary and cosmic Karma, that would be the fourth and fifth source)

India’s First Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru political leader of the Congress Party, the first and longest-serving Prime Minister of the Republic of India. He took office as the Prime Minister of India on August 15, and delivered his inaugural address titled “A Tryst With Destiny:”
some of short version of the speech is as folloows:
“Long years ago we made a tryst with destiny, and now the time comes when we shall redeem our pledge, not wholly or in full measure, but very substantially. At the stroke of the midnight hour, when the world sleeps, India will awake to life and freedom. A moment comes, which comes but rarely in history, when we step out from the old to the new, when an age ends, and when the soul of a nation, long suppressed, finds utterance. It is fitting that at this solemn moment we take the pledge of dedication to the service of India and her people and to the still larger cause of humanity.”
True words by Pt. JAWAHAR LAL NEHRU...

but now let us see the Woman's tryst with her Destiny...Life of a Women, her everlasting theory of Destiny plus few anecdotal wisdom of relationships!..."One is not born, but rather becomes, a woman...

"Recently, I was talking to a good but close friend who unveiled a bitter truth to me -"In Indian parochial society, the identity of a girl is nothing without a husband."I'm not completely convinced with this premise but if it's true then the fact that Identity of a man is also created when he works or is in engaged in some profession otherwise its zilch.So, If a man is not working or unemployed then he commands no respect from society and is considered worthless.Similarly a woman who's supposed to produce kids and raise a family has no identity without a husband and she is considered incomplete or devoid of social responsibility in this Profound World.
In last couple of years, I realized and felt that Girls are very Submissive in nature. My observations of women's phases in her Life:
1'st phase : As a daughter she will always be doing things which will keep her parents (particularly Father) happy. She will do most of the time what they wish, On rare occasions she would try to do or ask for something or look for fulfillment of her wishes.

2'nd phase: When she marries the Boy chosen by her Father. She would start looking for happiness by doing things which her husband approves of or things to his liking. In many instances she would have to kill her desires & wishes to keep HIM happy.

3'rd phase: When she gives birth to a Baby then she will start finding happiness in her baby's smile. The entire world is seen as a Congenial place if her baby is Happy and calls her “Mummy”.
As the time passes by and the baby grows - If it's daughter she would imbibe her learnings of Life in her by saying “ The truth of Life is Sour, Accept it” and If boy she would in most cases would try to be happy if He gives an iota of respect to her mother.
It's strange and funny that Our Lives are so entwined in the Social Circle that I feel there is only one controlling factor now called "SOCIETY".

And about the FUTURE Tryst , life does not follow any theory of any human being, but that all theories explain some parts and aspects of the world, but never all of it.

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Monday, March 8, 2010


Respect seems to be like a boomerang in the sense that you must send it out before it will come back to you. Respect cannot be demanded or forced it can only be earned. As I see it, respect is something that is earned. One earns another's respect by voluntarily doing the things such as taking that person's feelings, needs and thoughts into consideration. My MOM is the only person whom i not only RESPECT but also LOVE a lot and definitely going to do that till my last breath. She has taught me to always try my best, to treat everyone equally, to not give up when things get hard. She tells me to at all times be honest because in the end, lies always hurt more. She instills the importance of family and of doing well at school in me.

When I make decisions and she doesn't always agree with them, she makes sure that I know that she is behind me all the way because she wants me to always be happy. She has taught me right from wrong and the significance of self-respect. She is my mother, the greatest influence in my life. Not only as a mom but also as a friend.

A time that is really prominent in my mind, that I hope I always remember that i was not one the brightest student in my class and being from a small town there was always a feeling of inferiority from other guys ..I was kind of afraid that the guys n gals wouldn't talk to me but I still held my ground. Then my mom was the only person who brought me out of this inferior complexity...First and foremost and only thing (a weapon) my mom taught me was to be happy and true to myself because I can never not face myself, and the choices I make. The talk with my mom helped me tremendously. The "easy way out" as my mom called it. In the end, she and I became good friends. She helped me realize that I was intelligent enough to be in the class that is why I was put in it, and that I could do anything I put my mind to.
When I grow up, I hope I can be just like her. She is the person who feed me the feeling of Dignity, Self Respect, Self confidence. Therefore, since my mom has taught me morals, values, respect, and has always been there for me, she is a significant person in my life. Everyone deserves to have a person who they look up to, even if it's not a parent or family member.

Recently when I was at a party with some close friends, a really good-looking girl I didn't know came over to me. "Hey what's your name? Would you like to come smoke a cigarette with me?" The first thing that popped into my mind was how my mom always taught me never to smoke because it is bad and could cause serious health problems. To this you might call me a mama's boy but to it i don't have any problem, as i know the person who matters me, (an for sure it's not you..) -it's my MOM and my mom's sayings...

Mom is always there to provide the love and support just when it's needed most...."Think before you act," "you will always have a choice to be happy or sad, to do what is good or bad and to do the right thing," is what she tells me.
This ,I owe to you for all your deeds that you've done to me.


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The Reality on T.V. is not the actual reality but the already carved one of the production houses. I think reality TV shows have passed their time now, they used to be good, but they're just so formulaic now, they always cast the same types, so we all pretty much know how it's all going to work out. Time to mix it up or die on the vine....prognosticators have been predicting the downfall of reality TV and while there certainly might be a dip in the ratings, certain types of reality shows are, for better or worse, probably with us for the long haul.
I'll be honest here. I have watched reality television -- mostly because of nothing as lots of it just isn't that interesting. After viewing these programs, one has to wonder - are they a truthful view of life or merely a well-edited pre-fabricated package. Sort of a chicken and the egg question. Who knows where this genre really started, but perhaps it was with Candid Camera.
Whether it be a singing competeion or dancing or comedy or hunt show, contestants can do anything for getting their votes, and only because of this the production houses are making money out of this... i mean people are being used direcly or indirectly only and only for the benefit of the shows and they are getting what ? The hidden talent of the nation (which of course we were missing a lot... right!!! ..)
Fast forward to th MTV's show called ROADIES.... the crew of the show is so active that they are always ready with the cameras as soon as some of the contradictory incidents happened to the contestants... i think the crew should be casted in the meteorological department, atleast they would inform us timely for some of the disasters...hmmm..I mean are they train to be prepared with their weapons(camera, lights, sound effects) whenever some of the controversy is going to happen...NO...It's all just written on the so called paper SCRIPT.
Not just it but if we take a recent one called "EMOTIONAL ATYACHAAR " .... it's nothing but the atyachaar to all the lovebirds out there.(Not me)... Today each of the mate stare his/her partner ,whether the partner will be loyal to them or not or the partner has joined the crew of "EMOTIONAL ATYACHAAR" and performing the so called loyality test on him...
I mean it's just creating the sense of spy on each couple. Even one of the cast of this show inher interview told the press that it is all planned there..
This list is so long that would disarmly ruin the time of yours and mine.....
The personality based reality shows are only as interesting as the personalities involved. Too often, the producers must put these folks in "situations" to make it remotely interesting.
Even though we are truly the most blessed nation on the planet, we spend an awful lot of time not counting our blessings. Instead, we spend an awful lot of time focusing on the negative. Seeing the negative on the small screen makes us feel better about ourselves.There will always be those who are drawn to scandal, so there will always be tabloids and series that capitalize on that. And there will also always be people genuinely interested in the normal life of their neighbors. Reality television can fill this niche...

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Sunday, March 7, 2010

Get Rich or Die Tryin'

A few years back 50 Cent starred in the movie "Get Rich or Die Tryin'" about a young drug dealer who leaves his dealing to pursue a career as a rap star. The contrast is stark: utter poverty or incredible wealth. No matter the level of material poverty or wealth, believing that more "toys" is the goal will never overcome widespread poverty. Fans of rapper ‘50 Cent’ Curtis Jackson, may want to check the 2005 flic, based on 50 Cent’s life story as a child, rapper and gangster. However, audiences looking for a rapper film that glorifies violence and being cool should steer clear of this. It took everyone of us into the life of a rapper who tries to disentangle himself from his gangster roots in order to express himself fully in his music.
Get Rich or Die Tryin'
But From Now always : At the end of the day, what will you hang on to?
The recklessness with which people approach spending makes it very difficult to get rich. The rich and powerful bogus, you envy are not notably intelligent, attractive or even interesting. They have amassed fortunes and fame by merely stooping to the lowest depths of immorality more than the average chump. Your insatiable desire and greed coupled with your ability to deceive and steal is the greatest asset you have. Without greed, and a goal it’s difficult to score. Do you think that it is correct or it is even possible to get rich without even trying?
Without a real desire, all you have is a hope. And a hope without action is not very powerful at all. This means that your chances of getting wealthy are not very good at all. You cannot be lazy and expect the world you. Now, this does not mean that you have to slave away your life in order to attract the kind of money that you want, but it does mean that you do have to do something in order to strike it rich.
Even I do believe the same with a bit of difference, as I come from an economically weak and trodden middle-class conditions and i believe there are so many guys also who like me struggling against the socially imposed boundries of class, race and poverty. At the same time, I am trying to work on my own struggle to overcome my culturally acceptable addiction to wealth(sometimes paired with the "practicality" &"security") with the theology of enough. We agree that the get-rich gospel is not fulfilling. Together we're claiming similar values, asking similar questions, and reaching out to one another for answers.

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