Monday, March 8, 2010


The Reality on T.V. is not the actual reality but the already carved one of the production houses. I think reality TV shows have passed their time now, they used to be good, but they're just so formulaic now, they always cast the same types, so we all pretty much know how it's all going to work out. Time to mix it up or die on the vine....prognosticators have been predicting the downfall of reality TV and while there certainly might be a dip in the ratings, certain types of reality shows are, for better or worse, probably with us for the long haul.
I'll be honest here. I have watched reality television -- mostly because of nothing as lots of it just isn't that interesting. After viewing these programs, one has to wonder - are they a truthful view of life or merely a well-edited pre-fabricated package. Sort of a chicken and the egg question. Who knows where this genre really started, but perhaps it was with Candid Camera.
Whether it be a singing competeion or dancing or comedy or hunt show, contestants can do anything for getting their votes, and only because of this the production houses are making money out of this... i mean people are being used direcly or indirectly only and only for the benefit of the shows and they are getting what ? The hidden talent of the nation (which of course we were missing a lot... right!!! ..)
Fast forward to th MTV's show called ROADIES.... the crew of the show is so active that they are always ready with the cameras as soon as some of the contradictory incidents happened to the contestants... i think the crew should be casted in the meteorological department, atleast they would inform us timely for some of the disasters...hmmm..I mean are they train to be prepared with their weapons(camera, lights, sound effects) whenever some of the controversy is going to happen...NO...It's all just written on the so called paper SCRIPT.
Not just it but if we take a recent one called "EMOTIONAL ATYACHAAR " .... it's nothing but the atyachaar to all the lovebirds out there.(Not me)... Today each of the mate stare his/her partner ,whether the partner will be loyal to them or not or the partner has joined the crew of "EMOTIONAL ATYACHAAR" and performing the so called loyality test on him...
I mean it's just creating the sense of spy on each couple. Even one of the cast of this show inher interview told the press that it is all planned there..
This list is so long that would disarmly ruin the time of yours and mine.....
The personality based reality shows are only as interesting as the personalities involved. Too often, the producers must put these folks in "situations" to make it remotely interesting.
Even though we are truly the most blessed nation on the planet, we spend an awful lot of time not counting our blessings. Instead, we spend an awful lot of time focusing on the negative. Seeing the negative on the small screen makes us feel better about ourselves.There will always be those who are drawn to scandal, so there will always be tabloids and series that capitalize on that. And there will also always be people genuinely interested in the normal life of their neighbors. Reality television can fill this niche...

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