Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Tryst from Past Present & Future

We do not have the possibility to escape being responsible for ourselves. Sad, but true. I personally think that life does not follow any theory of any human being, but that all theories explain some parts and aspects of the world, but never all of it. Future is the unknown potential of our lives, evolving itself constantly. Being that, it is a dynamic form, in contrast of the
past. The central question then would be of what, which sources, the evolution of the future nourishes itself. I think that there are three sources that make the great river of future:
Our present acts, independent and individual, that we decide to make consciously.
Our personal Karma.
Our collective Karma of which we are only a small part.
(I leave aside the planetary and cosmic Karma, that would be the fourth and fifth source)

India’s First Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru political leader of the Congress Party, the first and longest-serving Prime Minister of the Republic of India. He took office as the Prime Minister of India on August 15, and delivered his inaugural address titled “A Tryst With Destiny:”
some of short version of the speech is as folloows:
“Long years ago we made a tryst with destiny, and now the time comes when we shall redeem our pledge, not wholly or in full measure, but very substantially. At the stroke of the midnight hour, when the world sleeps, India will awake to life and freedom. A moment comes, which comes but rarely in history, when we step out from the old to the new, when an age ends, and when the soul of a nation, long suppressed, finds utterance. It is fitting that at this solemn moment we take the pledge of dedication to the service of India and her people and to the still larger cause of humanity.”
True words by Pt. JAWAHAR LAL NEHRU...

but now let us see the Woman's tryst with her Destiny...Life of a Women, her everlasting theory of Destiny plus few anecdotal wisdom of relationships!..."One is not born, but rather becomes, a woman...

"Recently, I was talking to a good but close friend who unveiled a bitter truth to me -"In Indian parochial society, the identity of a girl is nothing without a husband."I'm not completely convinced with this premise but if it's true then the fact that Identity of a man is also created when he works or is in engaged in some profession otherwise its zilch.So, If a man is not working or unemployed then he commands no respect from society and is considered worthless.Similarly a woman who's supposed to produce kids and raise a family has no identity without a husband and she is considered incomplete or devoid of social responsibility in this Profound World.
In last couple of years, I realized and felt that Girls are very Submissive in nature. My observations of women's phases in her Life:
1'st phase : As a daughter she will always be doing things which will keep her parents (particularly Father) happy. She will do most of the time what they wish, On rare occasions she would try to do or ask for something or look for fulfillment of her wishes.

2'nd phase: When she marries the Boy chosen by her Father. She would start looking for happiness by doing things which her husband approves of or things to his liking. In many instances she would have to kill her desires & wishes to keep HIM happy.

3'rd phase: When she gives birth to a Baby then she will start finding happiness in her baby's smile. The entire world is seen as a Congenial place if her baby is Happy and calls her “Mummy”.
As the time passes by and the baby grows - If it's daughter she would imbibe her learnings of Life in her by saying “ The truth of Life is Sour, Accept it” and If boy she would in most cases would try to be happy if He gives an iota of respect to her mother.
It's strange and funny that Our Lives are so entwined in the Social Circle that I feel there is only one controlling factor now called "SOCIETY".

And about the FUTURE Tryst , life does not follow any theory of any human being, but that all theories explain some parts and aspects of the world, but never all of it.

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