Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Selfless LOVE - YES

Is it falling in love or sliding into addiction? Are they mistaking infatuation for love? There is a great deal of confusion in the terms love and infatuation. Love is different for each and every individual.

But still I believe in true love and I do think that if you look hard enough, you'll find that it really does exist in the real world. What i believe is that what television and movies poject is a wrong image of what 'love' really is. It's not about eyelocks, patch ups and break ups. It's about the extent that you can go to for your partner. Giving up your life for him/her doesn't necessarily mean that you are a 'true lover,' but living on FOR that person is true love.
It isn't just about how happy you can make each other, but how much you both are there for one another when times get tough.
Love isn't just smiley faces, it's the closest thing to reality. It's hard, but if you're in love, those hard times are nothing because the person you love is there for you.
Again, true love is hard to find, but it is there. You just have to look hard and choose wisely. For me Love is just not a Feeling or emotion...Its Passion and Face of Life...Every one falls in love coz Love is in Nature of Humans..Love remains with us, either its our first day on earth or last...Love always remain in heart...

Well, I found people really cheap who become Devdas for lost love, who discover a new dark world of Sadness around them on being lonely and who simply kills themselves...(No Offense to Others)...But I feel if they do things like that, they are proving themselves a DUMBO LOVER...And they never respected their Love...
I think moving forward and living every second of ur life and keeping memories of ur lover will be the strongest thing...

About "Tu Nahin to aur Sahi"...I think its surely not part of Love... they simply are big LOSERS....Lolz...
I also like DDLJ...but such things happens in Movies only!!!
But Ofcourse!!!!
Love exists....
Love is the only thing that keeps us all going...
I strongly believe "Someone is made for any person"... and its in our hands to find him/her.. If we open our heart n search we'll find that person..."Accepting the person who loves you, is the best way to be happy"... It gives a great feeling to know that some one cares for you.. Some one loves you... !! But i would not say that "Love happens only once in life".... Pyaar bohath baar ho saktha hai... Par woh pehla pyaar koi nahi bhoolega... Love is a feeling, which calms your heart, makes you feel secured.. Makes you feel there is some one out there who loves you crazily for what you are...
I would say, True love is hard to find... But once you find, grab it....

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