Sunday, March 6, 2011


Apple's long-awaited 3G iPhone with fast web surfing and built-in GPS. Is it better than the original, or has Apple ruined the iPhone concept?
Prior to the iPhone 3G's public debut, speculation was rife over what it would offer. When it appeared, we realised that Apple was taking very few risks with its second foray into mobile phones.
It comes in the same 8GB and 16GB configurations as the previous 2G model and has the same two megapixel camera.
The real difference is the inclusion of 3G, with both standard UMTS and HSDPA data services supported, the latter delivering a significant improvement in download speeds for web surfing.
 But still lot more reaquired by us...

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Ma DReam Gal!!!

You are my perfect Valentine
An awesome fact to have you mine
Such love and pride you show to me
As great as one could ever be
I realize how you make me feel
For all you are just makes it real
You are the one that I wished for
My life through you can only soar
Your love surpasses all that’s fine
My thoughts of you are all divine
You are the poet of many dreams
The brilliant light of magic beams
A rose within my heart you are
My dearest, sweetest, bravest star
Your uniform brings such a rush
There is no doubt, I have a crush
Your heart, it's filled with loving care
Which willingly you proudly share
My Sweet GI, my thoughts of you
So grateful that you are so true
God be with you while you’re away
And bring you home safely, I pray

 It seem that i am still in search of you....
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The Wanderlust has lured me to the seven lonely seas,
Has dumped me on the tailing-piles of dearth;
The Wanderlust has haled me from the morris chairs of ease,
Has hurled me to the ends of all the earth.
How bitterly I've cursed it, oh, the Painted Desert knows,
The wraithlike heights that hug the pallid plain,
The all-but-fluid silence, -- yet the longing grows and grows,
And I've got to glut the Wanderlust again.

Soldier, sailor, in what a plight I've been!
Tinker, tailor, oh what a sight I've seen!
And I'm hitting the trail in the morning, boys,
And you won't see my heels for dust;
For it's "all day" with you
When you answer the cue
Of the Wan-der-lust.

The Wanderlust has got me . . . by the belly-aching fire,
By the fever and the freezing and the pain;
By the darkness that just drowns you, by the wail of home desire,
I've tried to break the spell of it -- in vain.
Life might have been a feast for me, now there are only crumbs;
In rags and tatters, beggar-wise I sit;
Yet there's no rest or peace for me, imperious it drums,
The Wanderlust, and I must follow it.

Highway, by-way, many a mile I've done;
Rare way, fair way, many a height I've won;
But I'm pulling my freight in the morning, boys,
And it's over the hills or bust;
For there's never a cure
When you list to the lure
Of the Wan-der-lust.

The Wanderlust has taught me . . . it has whispered to my heart
Things all you stay-at-homes will never know.
The white man and the savage are but three short days apart,
Three days of cursing, crawling, doubt and woe.
Then it's down to chewing muclucs, to the water you can eat,
To fish you bolt with nose held in your hand.
When you get right down to cases, it's King's Grub that rules the races,
And the Wanderlust will help you understand.

Haunting, taunting, that is the spell of it;
Mocking, baulking, that is the hell of it;
But I'll shoulder my pack in the morning, boys,
And I'm going because I must;
For it's so-long to all
When you answer the call
Of the Wan-der-lust.

The Wanderlust has blest me . . . in a ragged blanket curled,
I've watched the gulf of Heaven foam with stars;
I've walked with eyes wide open to the wonder of the world,
I've seen God's flood of glory burst its bars.
I've seen the gold a-blinding in the riffles of the sky,
Till I fancied me a bloated plutocrat;
But I'm freedom's happy bond-slave, and I will be till I die,
And I've got to thank the Wanderlust for that.

Wild heart, child heart, all of the world your home.
Glad heart, mad heart, what can you do but roam?
Oh, I'll beat it once more in the morning, boys,
With a pinch of tea and a crust;
For you cannot deny
When you hark to the cry
Of the Wan-der-lust.

The Wanderlust will claim me at the finish for its own.
I'll turn my back on men and face the Pole.
Beyond the Arctic outposts I will venture all alone;
Some Never-never Land will be my goal.
Thank God! there's none will miss me, for I've been a bird of flight;
And in my moccasins I'll take my call;
For the Wanderlust has ruled me,
And the Wanderlust has schooled me,
And I'm ready for the darkest trail of all.

Grim land, dim land, oh, how the vastness calls!
Far land, star land, oh, how the stillness falls!
For you never can tell if it's heaven or hell,
And I'm taking the trail on trust;
But I haven't a doubt
That my soul will leap out
On its Wan-der-lust.
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ॐ श्रि अमितभ बच्चन,

ॐ श्रि अमितभ बच्चन,
नमस्ते, प्रनाम,
24 Days to PAA.
I still watch the promo where you say ‘ PAA ‘. It’s something that still touches my heart. The extent to which you’ve undergone to achieve this look, the character you portray and the vocals is beyond anything ever done in Indian Cinema. It is hardly surprising then, albeit gratifying that the media response to the promo’s is rapturous.
The media / electronic medium is fickle though as can be people and like any industry appraises when all is well and closes the door on you when they see failure. It’s just the way of the world and we have to move with the times. Your optimism for establishing an ombudsman is to be applauded also. You embrace change and progression within society.
The member of the PAA forum has posted a comment which I’d like to share with you. The comment relates to the Guinness Book of World Records. Question, Has anyone as young as you ever played a teenager ?
Quote :
“The Oldest Actor” to play a “Teenager’s Role”?
The point I wish to highlight is the diversity of your ability ( not just acting ) to reach out to all ages. You have an unlimited reservoir of talent.
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The dark side of the moon is where I dwell all alone,
Listening to a deadly requiem for my dreams and sins
As I stab the night with my sharpen sword, dying and
Killing again all the blame I try to hide under my skin.
In my delirium I know much more about my underworld,
Every step into my darkness is a chthonic rite, an insight
Into the unknown, a door open to my cherished demons,
My faithful masters of barren days and abstract nights.
The dark side of the moon buries my mysterious face,
The one my grotesque mirror does show and reveal
As my insane mind eats my inside searching for myself
In my bleeding hands when my face I have to conceal.
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I have seen the future,
a black, hopeless cause.
I am almost sure,
that life is lost,

for it is a frozen wasteland,
covered with death.
Disease ridden people,
crawling for breath.

All terror is struck,
no hero is seen,
everywhere there lurks sin,
tainted souls with no seam.

Everyone is infected with hate,
the skies ruled out by darkness.
Wars fueling the state,
families experience sadness.

The future is grim,
creatures of darkness rule,
all lustful for blood,
they leave their mark, those sorrowful fools.

Covered in frost,
all hope is lost.
No light to be seen,
even the sole wind is mean.

So save the future,
change today,
spread love and respect,
and toss the old ways.
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Reasons to be hpPy...!!!

With the seriousness and stress of day to day life, it is an important thing to allow oneself guilty pleasures. Those things that we may not want to readily admit to everyone, but regardless, they entertain us, whether they are tv shows, movies, or some particular activity. So, in an extension of revelations in the blog tagging post, here are some of my guilty pleasures.

I love listening to the Twilight series and Harry Potter audio books. I also downloaded the soundtrack to Twilight just to hear “Bella’s Lullaby”, and inadvertently got myself addicted to another song on the soundtrack, “Supermassive Black Hole” by Muse.

And for those of you who say you would rather watch the movies, I won’t argue with you. I just look at it this way. Instead of enjoying the story for only two hours and having to wait until next year for the next part, I can enjoy the audiobooks for many hours, get the full story instead of an abbreviated version, imagine my own characters, and continue on to hear the rest of the series.

Now that I have shared some of my guilty pleasures, it is your turn. What are some of the things you enjoy?
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Thursday, January 27, 2011

carpe Sieze it all.///

Age saw two quiet children

Go loving by at twilight,

He knew not whether homeward,

Or outward from the village,

Or (chimes were ringing) churchward,

He waited, (they were strangers)

Till they were out of hearing

To bid them both be happy.

"Be happy, happy, happy,

And seize the day of pleasure."

The age-long theme is Age's.

'Twas Age imposed on poems

Their gather-roses burden

To warn against the danger

That overtaken lovers

From being overflooded

With happiness should have it.

And yet not know they have it.

But bid life seize the present?

It lives less in the present

Than in the future always,

And less in both together

Than in the past. The present

Is too much for the senses,

Too crowding, too confusing-

Too present to imagine.

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Tommorow ll be a better DAY..!!

My journey begins with a chosen quote from Albert Einstein "Learn from yesterday, live for today, and hope for tomorrow." When I first began taking college classes I remember sitting in class dreaming of what I was going to be when I finally 'grew up'. I would picture myself in an ornate room with a patient on a chaise with myself sitting adjacent in a velvet armchair, pen in hand ready to diagnose. I would picture myself in a paint-splattered menswear shirt with an empty canvas and tubes full of color waiting to be stroked into a masterpiece. With these daydreams also came the trickle of water that eventually worked it's way up to my ears. I was drowning. After a few semesters I learned what worked best to keep myself afloat. Now I'm standing on my own two feet, afloat in my own rite. I now have new dreams, dreams of collaborating with colleagues in board rooms with white boards on easels, a projections screen and a pointer going into detail about our next campaign. I'm an Art Director at a great advertising firm. Creating some of the most well loved and some of the most memorable campaigns of my generation. Of course these are merely my hopes for tomorrow. I finally have my sights set on the shore. With my back to the horizon I can finally dive in to my future.To create unique ideas, to give that 'umph' to an idea, to do so with passion and poise is what I plan to bring to the University of Colorado's campus.

In terms of what I plan to bring to the Boulder area, I would like to talk about the local economy. I think that it is very important to begin the transition into using locally grown foods and goods rather than having them shipped in from a third (or fourth, or fifth) party. I would like to see Boulder become a locally operated city and to use it's own resources. Using my knowledge I will undoubtedly learn from my advertising courses, I would like to see more farmer's markets better advertised so that they can expand and grow along with the community.

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LoVe is all around..!!!

Have you ever heard of the phrase, “love is blind?” Most people have. This must mean that it is a belief of many. Well, what does it mean when someone says, “love is blind?” If love is blind, one may argue to facilitate the meaning that love is eternal, regardless of one’s faults, their lies, and their affairs; that regardless of any negative outcome that love overlooks it. If love is blind it prevails all evil. However, everyone may not agree that, “love is blind.” Another common phrase is that, “love hurts.” Why is it that love has acquired this unpleasant metaphor? Self-experience could be an answer to this question. Most people, at some time in their lives, have been hurt by someone that they love. Is this because they have done something wrong or is it simply human instinct? Humans are full of error and often decide it is easier to give up on love than struggle through the hard times. Therefore, does love hurt or do people hurt? Many would say it is people who hurt because they fail to pursue this love that they have claimed.

Many people turn to the dictionary when they are in need of a definition for a particular word. The Webster’s Dictionary defines love as, “an affection based on admiration, benevolence, or common interest.” Most would agree that love definitely consists of all of these qualities. When one is looking for a mate, they strive to find someone who is, to some extent, like them. It is desired that this person is someone that can be looked up to, and someone who is kind and compassionate. But there is a love much deeper than this.

The Bible says, “ love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails” (1 Corinthians 13:4). Many would argue that love is each and every one of these virtues. However, can a human be so perfect as to possess all of these traits? Rarely is someone so perfect, if ever. This is a love referred to as Agape love, a Godly love. This love is present everyday and is given to all of those who believe in Jesus. This definition of love refers to the way God loves us. It is an example of how we are to mold ourselves and learn to return that love on such an elevated level. Paul also stated, “ if I have faith that can move mountains, but have not love, I am nothing.”

Listed above are only some of the beliefs about love. Love is blind; it hurts. Love is an admiration and love is patient and kind. Love is diverse and it is dynamic. Regardless of all of these, and more important than anything, love is what one believes it to be. No common metaphor or dictionary definition can describe what one’s feelings of love are. It is that person alone who has to discover what love truly means.

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Last Summer

The first Summer Founders Program has just finished. We were surprised how well it went. Overall only about 10% of startups succeed, but if I had to guess now, I'd predict three or four of the eight startups we funded will make it.

Of the startups that needed further funding, I believe all have either closed a round or are likely to soon. Two have already turned down (lowball) acquisition offers.

We would have been happy if just one of the eight seemed promising by the end of the summer. What's going on? Did some kind of anomaly make this summer's applicants especially good? We worry about that, but we can't think of one. We'll find out this winter.

The whole summer was full of surprises. The best was that the hypothesis we were testing seems to be correct. Young hackers can start viable companies. This is good news for two reasons: (a) it's an encouraging thought, and (b) it means that Y Combinator, which is predicated on the idea, is not hosed.


More precisely, the hypothesis was that success in a startup depends mainly on how smart and energetic you are, and much less on how old you are or how much business experience you have. The results so far bear this out. The 2005 summer founders ranged in age from 18 to 28 (average 23), and there is no correlation between their ages and how well they're doing.

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This is you. Damp in rain. Wanting it all to pause but not stop, feeling the tiny drops seeping down.

You've never thought about anyone-your family, your friends, your world...........your life - and all you can do now is to think. You’ve never been into thinking and it seems a strange but the only habit u can have now.....'coz u're numb.................

You can't 've your wishes done now, can't lift your hand, and can't stop it from moving when it does.

This is you. Damp in rain. Wanting someone to wake and make this four wheeled creature get back its life..............

your whole life-you've seen people who've reasons to live and you've been searching for your own reasons-your whole life- never living ;and when life reveals all its reasons-you WANT life; though u've always had those reasons.

All u see now is your life seeping like this rain-still and slow...............

u've always wanted to be everything-best in all worlds .all u've never been is a good daughter, a good friend

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The Conflicting PULP FIC...

Many movies tend to lean more toward the interest of a single gender rather than everyone as a whole. For instance, some may argue that the movie Pulp Fiction was created for the entertainment of the male persuasion. Director and creator Quentin Tarantino is notorious for his harsh, almost gory entertainment. Pulp Fiction seems to match Debra Tannen’s description of a male affiliated movie to the tee by the way Tarantino ties the action with the suspense of certain rough characters. It is a rough movie that deals with the lives of several kingpins and gangsters and their daily struggles. Yet, pervading through all these hard-core gangsters is a woman of greater character, Mia Wallace; she is the brave and confident wife of the kingpin Marcellus Wallace. She plays a character that contains great confidence and portrays a woman who, in short, is not to be messed with. In her own devious way, she seems to control the scene whenever she is around. Whether it is her relationship to her husband or just her strong will, Mia has a way about her that inspires and intimidates others that surround her. Even though Mia’s independence might seem to appeal more to a female audience, it also works to reinforce to the male dominance appeal. It is interesting to watch her reactions and compare then to the other main characters of the movie. There are predominantly different reactions in the way that the kingpin, the gangsters, and Mia handle and control different situations. There, in Pulp Fiction, is a character that possesses the utmost of confidence and calmness about him. His name is Marcellus Wallace, and he is the kingpin of all the crime and action that takes place in the flick. Everything, from the clout that he carries to his physical build, portrays a large man that contains the knowledge and the power to win any conflict. Marcellus knows the awe that he possesses, and he uses this knowledge to his advantage. Butch was the name of the boxer that failed to throw a fight after Marcellus had paid him to do so. In a gun battle between Butch and Marcellus, both men are captured and are taken to be beat by a random storeowner. Butch then finds a way to save his and Marcellus’s lives by escaping. Even after receiving such a harsh beating, Marcellus still carries a sort of scary calmness about him. To keep his reputation straight gets revenge not only on the man who beat him but all the store owner’s family and friends also. This display of how Marcellus expresses his anger and stress is enough to almost petrify any man. It was shortly there after when one of Marcellus’ gangsters called him in a panic because the gangster in their car shot a man and had no means of cleaning it up. Being relaxed and cool Marcellus responds to the call sending one of his best men to take care of the problem. The way Marcellus reacts to the situation also helps to calm the nerves of Jules, the gangster. It seems his leadership springs from his confidence, like Debra Tannin describes in the articles “You Just Don’t Understand.” Her research proves that poor questions, comments, or commands are not as likely to be executed as well as those that are firm and confident. Through his power Marcellus is able to gain followers that are loyal and true, weather be the fact that they also are scared. It seems almost ironic the way the main gangsters act throughout this movie. Vincent and Joules are the two main gangsters and they both possess split personalities. Even in the crime world, there seems to be a change of command; the gangsters are under the kingpin. Jules and Vincent do the dirty work that is passed down to them by Marcellus. One would be surprised in the way these two men react to truly difficult problems. It was Vincent who almost had a heart attack on the night he took Mia out on the town, as orders from the boss. She overdosed on heroin and came near death. Panicked, he rushed her to Chiastic, the drug dealer's, house in order to give her an adrenaline shot straight to her heart. That was not the time only that Vincent and Jules had to call on the help of Marcellus. It was a mistake when Vincent shot a kid that was taken hostage. For fear of their safety and discovery the two men had to call on the assistance of Marcellus, who in his typical manner got on top of it and took care of the problem. I believe that Deborah Tannen’s description of men fits the role that these men play. It seems
that these men act truly as Marcellus puppets. Everything they do he is in control of and runs. When the men venture off the course they fall in a state of insecure ness and have to fall back on the knowledge and help of their boss.

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UnREAL REALity...!!

Reality in everyday usage means "everything that exists." The term "Reality," in its most liberal sense, includes everything that is, whether or not it is observable, accessible or understandable by science, philosophy, theology or any other system of analysis. Reality in this sense may include both being and nothingness, whereas "existence" is often restricted to being. What we perceive as reality is a tiny detail from the field of possibilities surging around us which our nervous system has realized through computation. If all reality is a computation from possibilities, then "reality" is a threshold value.

The reality quotes are the ones that make us face the most serious and crucial realities of the present or the past world and gain the truth or the true knowledge from the revealed facts. These quotes may be the real-life experiences of the people called realists who actually dare to put the most crucial experiences of their lives into words.

“Reality” is the property or quality of being real, that which underlies the truth of appearances or phenomena, real nature or constitution of things. Back of all appearance stands the changeless Reality. That Reality is God, Mind, Spirit, Principle or Substance. Reality is the Mind that thinks and plans. Reality is the Power that works and achieves, and the Substance that becomes. Reality is the Law that governs and controls. The Mind of Reality is perfect. The Power of Reality is perfect.

Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one.

Albert Einstein

Nothing real can be threatened. Nothing unreal exists.

Helen Schucman

I accept reality and dare not question it.

Walt Whitman

A theory must be tempered with reality.

Jawaharlal Nehru

The real distinction is between those who adapt their purposes to reality and those who seek to mold reality in the light of their purposes.

Henry Kissinger

Realism...has no more to do with reality than anything else.

Hob Broun

Reality is nothing but a collective hunch.

Jane Wagner

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Wednesday, January 26, 2011

MOney POwer..

By possessing the property of buying everything, by possessing the property of appropriating all objects, money is thus the object of eminent possession. The universality of its property is the omnipotence of its being. It is therefore regarded as an omnipotent being. Money is theprocurer between man’s need and the object, between his life and his means of life. But that which mediates my life for me, also mediates the existence of other people for me. For me it is the other person.
“What, man! confound it, hands and feet
And head and backside, all are yours!
And what we take while life is sweet,
Is that to be declared not ours?
“Six stallions, say, I can afford,
Is not their strength my property?
I tear along, a sporting lord,
As if their legs belonged to me.”
Goethe: Faust (Mephistopheles)
Shakespeare in Timon of Athens:
“Gold? Yellow, glittering, precious gold?
No, Gods, I am no idle votarist! ...
Thus much of this will make black white, foul fair,
Wrong right, base noble, old young, coward valiant.
... Why, this
Will lug your priests and servants from your sides,
Pluck stout men’s pillows from below their heads:
This yellow slave
Will knit and break religions, bless the accursed;
Make the hoar leprosy adored, place thieves
And give them title, knee and approbation
With senators on the bench: This is it
That makes the wappen’d widow wed again;
She, whom the spital-house and ulcerous sores
Would cast the gorge at, this embalms and spices
To the April day again. Come, damned earth,
Thou common whore of mankind, that put’st odds
Among the rout of nations.”
And also later:
“O thou sweet king-killer, and dear divorce
‘Twixt natural son and sire! thou bright defiler
Of Hymen’s purest bed! thou valiant Mars!
Thou ever young, fresh, loved and delicate wooer
Whose blush doth thaw the consecrated snow
That lies on Dian’s lap! Thou visible God! 
That solder’st close impossibilities,
And makest them kiss! That speak’st with every tongue,
||XLII| To every purpose! O thou touch of hearts!
Think, thy slave man rebels, and by thy virtue
Set them into confounding odds, that beasts
May have the world in empire!”
Shakespeare excellently depicts the real nature of money.

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Fight that took us far...

Human coexisting with computer is a hallucination or a nightmare for some people. For most of us it is a science fiction. Computerand human can live in tranquility. They can be happy if computermaintain peace within us, and on the other hand the computers can betray human the way human does to each other.
In passage I the author used a dramatic language to intensify the anticipation of human and computer joining together to create a perfect society. Richard Brautigan would like to think that human and computer can live together in harmony if the computers are in control. It shows that he trusts computer more than human being. To peruse his optimistic perception he used repetition. This is demonstrated when he used, "I like to think" through out the entire poem. It helps the reader to stay in track of his main idea, and also it shows strength in his delusion. Richard Brautigan also used imagery to give us an idea about his vision. In stanza one he said, " Where mammals and computers live together in mutually programming harmony like pure water touching clear sky." This style was created to form an attractive portrait in our mind. The author used an elegant way to persuade the readers. He understands it is very hard to accomplish a society with human and computer, just like pure water touching sky however he compared the exquisiteness of both vision. His poem was very influential to the readers to consider his idea of human andcomputer live in harmony.

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Ruined or not ????

It is anything but meaningless. The education system has ruined many a bright young mind. Way back in 1922 Upton Sinclair wrote a book called The Goose Step: A Study of American Education, in which he said:

“Our educational system is not a public service, but an instrument of special privilege; its purpose is not to further the welfare of mankind, but merely to keep America capitalist."

i dont think its meaningless I think its ironic.
I think it's brilliant. It just goes to show that we are taught to know. Yet we all possess intelligence.
I don't think it's meaningless. I think it means that he was born intelligent but like a creative intelligence and in school where he got his education he lost his creativity.
" I was born intelligent but education ruined me! "

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All happens in One...

The man bent over his guitar,
A shearsman of sorts. The day was green.
They said, "You have a blue guitar,
You do not play things as they are."
The man replied, "Things as they are
Are changed upon the blue guitar."
And they said then, "But play, you must,
A tune beyond us, yet ourselves,
A tune upon the blue guitar
Of things exactly as they are."
I cannot bring a world quite round,
Although I patch it as I can.
I sing a hero'd head, large eye
And bearded bronze, but not a man,
Although I patch him as I can
And reach through him almost to man.
If to serenade almost to man
Is to miss, by that, things as they are,
Say that it is the serenade
Of a man that plays a blue guitar.
Ah, but to play man number one,
To drive the dagger in his heart,
To lay his brain upon the board
And pick the acrid colors out,
To nail his thought across the door,
Its wings spread wide to rain and snow,
To strike his living hi and ho,
To tick it, tock it, turn it true,
To bang it from a savage blue,
Jangling the metal of the strings…
So that's life, then: things are they are?
It picks its way on the blue guitar.
A million people on one string?
And all their manner in the thing,
And all their manner, right and wrong,
And all their manner, weak and strong?
The feelings crazily, craftily call,
Like a buzzing of flies in autumn air,
And that's life, then: things as they are,
This buzzing of the blue guitar.
Do not speak to us of the greatness of poetry,
Of the torches wisping in the underground,
Of the structure of vaults upon a point of light.
There are no shadows in our sun,
Day is desire and night is sleep.
There are no shadows anywhere.
The earth, for us, is flat and bare.
There are no shadows. Poetry
Exceeding music must take the place
Of empty heaven and its hymns,
Ourselves in poetry must take their place,
Even in the chattering of your guitar.
A tune beyond us as we are,
Yet nothing changed by the blue guitar;
Ourselves in the tune as if in space,
Yet nothing changed, except the place
Of things as they are and only the place
As you play them, on the blue guitar,
Placed so, beyond the compass of change,
Perceived in a final atmosphere;
For a moment final, in the way
The thinking of art seems final when
The thinking of god is smoky dew.
The tune is space. The blue guitar
Becomes the place of things as they are,
A composing of senses of the guitar.

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gone AWAY .......!!!

May people believe that the changing fashions,lifestyles are the results of the western mix up in our culture or we can say the overpowering nature of it.But i believe the culture should stay in our mind that’s only the need of time ,it should flow in our blood ,in our heart.
Ya there is something that is missing may be thats culture ,our beliefs and all that which are the gifts of our ancestors but the need is to fill that gap before its too late.
Yes i believe that being cool and jolly is the need of today’s lifestyle but it doesn’t claims you to sacrifice your culture for it.May be our livelihood have been a slave of the modern living and western culture but then too it is a unique among the whole world.
Many Times it has happened & This is a never ending legacy of Rejections...
U approach any company,Talk to them,Propose ur Deal,Finalise it & Finally u go to The admin offcial ,ask for the final permission & Face The rejection... Dead !!!! Everything's Dead... Now you start from the scratch... So its very Hectic,Pathetic & Tiring Management for a Convener...

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