Sunday, February 7, 2010

AAllll ijjj we!!

If the lightning only creates glitterings in life then why we need people around us ?

I pondered about all of the things that cause me to be happy and I realized that there were a lot more than I first realized. Material objects also cause me to become happy such as my new cell phone, but not nearly the amount of happiness that I get from hanging with my friends, being with my family, or playing my favourite sport, soccer. My friends truly help me succeed at college. When I am upset, they comfort me. When I am happy, they are there to join in the happiness with me. And when I am crying, they are they to wipe my tears away and to cheer me up. Just going and sharing time with one of my best friends, Jatta brings me joy.

Also, my girlfriend brings me lots of joy, and seems to give me a feeling that I am worth something as a person. My friends truly make me a better person.

Family is a group of persons sharing common ancestry, To me family is a lot more than that. My family is a number of people who are always there for me (without showing it... i don't know why? but if they are there with me at all my good or bad times then why they are not ready to actually accept it) , they are a group of people who I can be myself around and a group of people that I can love and be loved back always, even when fighting. Living in my house there are four people including me. My MOM are my role model, and I live my life by a compromise between her morals and mine. I have two brothers whom I dearly love . The best part in my life is my family. Soccer brings me tremendous joy because it is a chance for me to go out and show people my skills. It is a chance for me to go out and to improve. Also, the camaraderie on the soccer team makes me feel good. When I am out on the field I am part of something spectacular, a winning season.These are just few of the things that bring me joy in my life. As a stated above, writing this blog cause me to truly identify those things...

And rest....


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