Friday, February 12, 2010

Indians on Dragon Stage

Few lines from the book " THE ELEPHANT AND DRAGON"
In the streets of India, camels pull carts loaded with construction materials, and monkeys race across roads, dodging cars. In China, men in Mao jackets pedal bicycles along newly built highways, past skyscrapers sprouting like bamboo. Yet exotic India is as near as the voice answering an 800 number for one dollar an hour. Communist China is as close as the nearest Wal-Mart, its shelves full of goods made in Chinese factories.
But the meaning has all changed now..... Not since the United States rose to prominence a century ago have we seen such tectonic shifts in global power but India and China are vastly different nations, with opposing economic and political strategies--strategies we must understand in order to survive in the new global economy. These two Asian nations, each with more than a billion people, have spurred a new "gold rush," and what this will mean for the rest of the world.
The Rise of India and China and What It Means for All of Us ,we should understand it...

Nations Rose and Rising From Rags to Riches
India and China are striving to achieve the same goal of becoming powers of influence, but each has taken a different path. The succession of Deng Xiaoping, the student revolution, and the decision of few peasants to cooperate in farming are the turning points of China’s change. China has used its political clout to bring about change in an impressive infrastructure at a major cost of demographic displacement. The slow but steady economic reforms and the liberalization have brought positive change in Indian economy. The linguistic advantage and the silicon power have been the driving force in India’s rise.
Meaning of Empowering East for the West
China has become the "Factory of the World" and India "The Back Office of the World". Both have had a huge impact on the jobs in the US, although the number of new jobs created because of this shift is only marginal. The US corporations have pocketed huge profits and US consumers have enjoyed inexpensive products and services. The US has provided the East with investments, technology, and above all, the confidence. The rise of the East calls for a serious review of the economic strategy of the West and a paradigm shift in the consumerist culture.

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