Thursday, February 11, 2010

Techno quOTE

The most exciting phrase to hear in science, the one that heralds new discoveries, is not 'Eureka!' (I found it!) but 'That's funny ...'..
You know what!! God runs electromagnetic by wave theory on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, and the Devil runs them by quantum theory on Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday. In the modern techno-industrial culture, it is possible to proceed from infancy into senility without ever knowing manhood.
Now coming to the serious note... INDIA is the nation that has marke
d one of the highest growth in terms of the technical aspects...Today India is a hotbed of technological advances and home to one of the largest technically trained workforce in the world. Along side this modern India lies a culturally diverse and historically rich India with its myriad hues and textures, tradition and customs, yogis and thinkers. Along with this we the Indian's are being using our technical know how to develop scientific gadgets and instruments even we've reached to moon and other planets & even thinking of making a new world there too..
India has had a very long history in science, going back to the country’s ancient civilizations. It is this practice in science developed so early in history that has formed the bedrock of our current advancements in science and technology.As a country we always had scientific and technological talent of the highest quality and has for long been the source of good technical talent for a number of more developed economies.Today, it is heartening to see this talent not only remain in India, where they believe the best opportunities in the world lies but also return to their homeland because this is where they believe their future is creating an environment for technological advancements of the highest level.To effectively leverage this technical talent to the optimum, it is necessary to begin training early on in life. Technocrats need to jump start their careers, which means educational institutes must give industry ready professionals to industry.
But here comes a big quetion mark too...Because...
We have more than 300 million children going to school in India. This is more than the total population of the United States. Out of these, more than 200 million are going to schools that do not have proper quality of education, infrastructure and teachers. Nowhere in the world has anyone ever developed a solution that can help solve education crisis for 300 million children within the cost structure that an average Indian can afford. Finding and training millions of teachers for these schools itself is a massive challenge that can take a very long time. Hence, it’s time we look at developing an indigenous solution ourselves. A big help can come from technology in the form of creative e-learning for teachers training and class room teaching.
Predicting the future is difficult. No crystal ball, tea leaves or Nostradamus-like mysticism will enable anything but the murkiest of insights into what the future holds in store. However, to identify the singular force that will carry India forward is simple : All one needs to do is look to the past to realize that India’s greatest potential lies in its people.

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