Monday, February 8, 2010


what is true love? Does it exist? Or is it simply a cognitive illusion, a trick of the mind?
On top(or below) of that we can toss in the "illusion" that subatomic particles create atomic particles, which in turn generate chemical "illusions", those chemical illusions creating molecular ones and so on...anyone catch my drift here? Leave it...
Love is something perhaps i never understand or better to say, the Girl whom i loved never understand the word LOVE, what it meant for me. we were happy in the whole world of ours... but...Let's see what actually happened...
Boy meets girl
Girl meets boy
Girl thinks boy is cute
Boy thinks girl is nice
Boy and Girl start talking
Boy and Girl become friends
Boy and Girl send each other notes
Girl starts to like boy
Boy starts to like girl
Boy hears a lie about Girl
Boy believes it
Boy tells Girl they can't be friends anymore
Girl tells Boy it isn't true
Boy doesn't believe Girl
---A Year Goes By---
Boy forgets
Girl moves on
---The One Day---
Boy sees Girl again
And it all starts coming back
Boy sees Girl with other Boy
Boy gets jealous
BOY wonders why
Boy realizes how foolish he was
Boy understands what he's lost
Boy misses Girl
Boy tries to forget
Boy Can't
Boy writes Girl an apology letter
Boy gets no reply
Girl comments Boy
Boy and Girl have a small meaningless conversation
Girl never speaks to Boy again
Girl found another Boy
Boy wants to talk to Girl
Boy is too afraid
Girl is done with Boy forever
Boy is lost and lonely...

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