Sunday, February 7, 2010

This mean SIZE !!!

When it comes to a felicitous life then size matters... we want BIG !!
When it comes to a dreadful life then size matters... we want small !!
When it comes to intelligence then Size matters....
On page 44 of his book, Myths, Lies, and Downright Stupidity, John Stossel describes exactly why, what and how ‘size’ matters? He does note that girth may be more important to length and that a man’s height might be most important of all.
So what really matters?
one month back, I dated a wonderful, very tall, girl —5’11”+ in heals. It was never an issue. Is height really that important? A friend says she likes to feel small in her lovers’ arms. She is, however, highly submissive and so may not be representative. Fetishes aside, can our innate physicality be driven, or overcome, by any measure?
For me, and I grant this may be a little too much information at this early hour, scent is important... Not perfume, but that imperceptible musk that changes your heart rate—the elusive. No doubt it is just that. Two great tastes that go great together.
So what really matters? And, are there learned or intrinsic measures that keep us from ever getting what we really want?
PS. I am five foot, ten AND A HALF inches tall… but, then, who’s counting? Are you?

What do we got from all this, whether the Size matters or not? Sure, size matters if it matters to you.

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