Monday, February 8, 2010

A Dark night Tale

I was pretty good last night in matching some of my dance steps( Seriously some serious dance steps) with my beloved friends on my hostel terrace.. hey don't take the word beloved in that sense but yes!! beloved. when friends meet after very very very long time of whole complete one month then surely they gonna take out each and every moment's bit and come out from their innerselves.
To the serious note, what actually i was doing LAST NIGHT ... Guys as the College reopen session is being going on , so last night!! me and my friends were enjoying the celebrations of it on my hostel's terrace.. we are three friends (guys don't dare to compare with 3 idiots , as we are quite idiotic in ourselves). We even set the dress code for the get together and The dress code of the party... of course for only 3 of us was the boxers and So some serious dancing steps (as none of us actually know what the word DANCE is all about) were going there on, cool funky music not in the high pitch but quite enough for us to enjoy atleast when we guys playing music on our laptop. We enjoyed the drinks.. soft drinks guys...

After wrapping up the celebrations we decided to enter to the GIRL'S HOSTEL (actually only one of us was quite interesting in going there and me and my other friend as you all know was not so quite interested to go there but friends are friends, we had to go there...)
we somehow managed to enter there ...thanx to the watchman's dreams...guess!! my friend has undergone all of his loving chirpy talks for about 2 hours... quite boring for us but we can't comment for any of two ove birds, but seriously i hate this romance..he took 2 hrs to say I LOVE YOU to a girl whom he had already said more than 96 times....mind you they both love each other..(i could have done much earlier than that but since i dont have girlfriend yet so no one can say anything about ).
but but , my friends here is the trouble in the story, when we tried to came out of the hostel, then we found the watchman had dreamed all of his lifelong dreams(no guys he was alive atleast to kill us). SO we stuck there for the whole night, Guys think about it ...whole night in the girl's hostel na.. but think again whole night in the girls hostel without girlfriend but with two guys....hhh!!... we were thinking of coming out anyhow or thinking of committing suicide in the heaven (the girl's hostel, atleast for us) . but the whole night passed by we couldn't do anything as always thinking of god to send Kkrishh to save us from there or Uncle Shaktiman but since our bad luck was not good quite enough thus nothing that happened and in the morning my friend's girlfriend(the only reason for which he was so curious to go there) helped us to came out of there anyhow.
So guys this was the real hand of ours in the lions mouth...
People used to say the most adventurous things they have done in their life to jump from a 20 storey building or else but from now onwards i can proudly say this was the most exaggerating experience of my life, sticking in girl's what with two guys with me not the chick.. still i m very proud of myself.
Aaahh....but you guys might have thought why the two of us go there... so my friend :
जब हमारे प्रिय मित्र को 1 girlfriend मिल सकती है तो क्या हमे नहीं मिल सकती थी ?

But but my friend this time again ... i wasn't that lucky as my friends was.. because my other friend also had fallen into LOVE with a girl whom i hated the most...Oops... probably she hates me more than i do..

This whole subject was a one night fiction,
& does not related to person place or thing

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